Meeting called to order by GC Caligiuri at 1:08pm
Opening prayer led by PSD Ed Ehrhart
Pledge of allegiance led by GS Tony Andreas
Reading of the minutes: approved as read
Roll call of officers: Officers present were the GC, GS, Scribe of the Ex., MO, Capt. Of the Body Guard, Sent. of Tower and the Grand Adv.
Communications: None
Committee reports: Scribe of the Exchequer; Total deposits $340.00
Grand Chamberlain; Total funds $22,067.85 Funds available to the caravan, $15,250.38 The Grand Chamberlain report was given
By GC Caligiuri since the Grand Chamberlin, SN Stan Gilliland fell and broke his wrist and was at the Doctor’s office.
Scholarship: All the information needed for the awards presentation at the October meeting has been sent to SDSU.
Grand Commander report: GC Caligiuri thanked GS Tony Andreas for his monthly E-Mail that reminds everybody of the date
and time of the meeting. The GC also reported that PSD Ed Ehrhart has donated $1000.00 to the Scholarship Fund in honor of
his wife Frances Ehrhart.
Supreme Director report: There were 63 people at the Bi-Annual Convention. PSC Vince Braun was elected to the position of
Supreme Advocate. The Supreme Divan awarded a Certificate of Service to GC Caligiuri to honor his 41 years of service to the
Order of Alhambra. The Supreme Director also discussed the annual dance for the developmentally disabled given by the City
of Laverne and Ben Ziri Caravan. He also reported that Ben Ziri Caravan had sent four developmentally handicapped people to Surf
Camp. This is the first time that this was done and it was a huge success.
Old Business: There was much discussion about what to do with the caravan property. It was decided to give the new Master of the Wardrobe time
To inventory and gather all the caravan property in the storage shed.
New Business: The annual report sent to Supreme shows 39 people on the Ben Ziri roster. Of these there are 16 capable of doing the work of the caravan.
Ben Ziri Caravan is in the process of changing our banker from Bank of America to Chase Bank. GC Caligiuri will report on this at the next
meeting. A former member from back east named Jim Donavan has inquired about being reinstated as a member of Ben Ziri Caravan.
Good of the Order: All present were in good health. Prayers for healing were asked for GC Stan Gilliland and Charlene Balpred.
Raffle winners were: $100.00 SN Ed Scheer, $50.00 Kathy Braun
Final prayer led by LN Fe Castro
Next meeting: 9/21/2023
Respectfully submitted GS Tony Andreas |